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Meet Miriam

I'm a 29-year-old wife, mother, and free-lance content creator transplanted from my college and early professional days in Brooklyn to Milwaukee where I grew up.


I try to live mindfully and make conscious decisions in all areas of my life and like to think that regardless of where I'm living, I've got a homesteader's heart. For my family, this looks like from-scratch cooking, whole foods nutrition, homebirth, conscious parenting, travel, and minimalist living.


Starting Sunday embodies that Sunday morning feeling of intentionality, optimism, and possibility without waiting for a Monday start. 


I dive deep into anything I am passionate about and this blog is my step into sharing some of the knowledge I've gained so far through hormone healing, pregnancy, and motherhood in an approachable, and actionable way. 


We are a young family, very much at the beginning of our journey and I thank you so much for joining us in sharing our work-in-progress, beautiful little life. 



image of blogger and her child
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